Thursday, September 4, 2014

Emi's First Day of Kindergarten

It seemed like this day was never going to come and was here!  Emi's first day of Kindergarten.  Emi was ready for her first day, she was so excited to get to spend more time in her classroom after doing some activities at the school before the first day...

Here's Emi at meet the teacher.  She has an awesome teacher, and I can't to see all the things that Emi will be learning in Kindergarten.
The PTSA put on a popsicle social after the meet the teacher event.

Here's our girl, ready for her big first day!

Emi and Daddy
Emi, Kenzi and excited!
Kenzi gave Emi a BIG hug without us asking her to, she really loves her big sister.

When the bell rang Mrs. O came out to greet each child with a name tag and then the line began to move and we sent her off with hugs and kisses.  
{Mommy and Emi parted with dry eyes, and if you know me I tear up easily, 
but I knew she was ready and her teacher was going to be amazing.}

And off she goes!

After school we were there to pick Emi up...her teacher makes sure that they all go home with the right people...

Emi was greeted by Kenzi with a BIG hug!  She was missed!

We made some new friends and love walking home from school together.

Here's Emi the second morning of school, getting ready with out much reminding on what to do...

Here's Kenzi...I have been transferring her from her slumber to the stroller that she hasn't 
used in so long.  It's about a mile to the school from our house so it's a little to 
long for us to walk and for me to carry her there if she is asleep.

We are so proud of our little Emi!  Yay for the first days of school!

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